Absences, Leaves and Accruals
Consistent contact with students and coworkers is necessary for an optimal learning environment and an effective working environment. Therefore, consistent attendance is an essential duty of any employee's position. While some absences are unavoidable, when an employee is routinely tardy, frequently has unapproved absences or is absent for an extended period of time, the learning environment and district operations are negatively impacted. View Board Policy GBCBC.
Short Term Leaves
After an absence of three working days, the district may require an employee to provide the district verification of illness from a healthcare provider, which identifies the requirements of the job that the employee is unable to perform along with an estimated duration of the incapacity, or supply other documentation verifying the absence before the district applies sick leave or other applicable paid leave to the absence. In accordance with law, the district may require an employee to present a certification of fitness to return to work whenever the employee is absent from work due to the employee's health.
Board Policy GCBDA outlines leaves with pay that will be provided to full-time professional staff employees whose full-time equivalency (FTE) is equal to 1.0. Regular part-time professional staff employees whose FTE is between .5 and 1.0 will receive leaves on a pro rata basis. This policy does not apply to temporary or substitute staff members unless otherwise noted.
For purposes of this policy, the term “spouse” shall mean the other person an employee is legally married to as recognized under state law in the state in which the employee resides or under the law of any other state where the employee was legally married.
Board Policy GDBDA outlines leaves with pay that will be provided to full-time support staff employees whose full-time equivalency (FTE) is equal to 1.0. Regular part-time support staff employees whose FTE is between .5 and 1.0 will receive these leaves on a pro rata basis. This policy does not apply to temporary or substitute staff members unless otherwise noted.
For purposes of this policy, the term “spouse” shall mean the other person an employee is legally married to as recognized under state law in the state in which the employee resides or under the law of any other state where the employee was legally married.
Long Term Leaves
The Board has provided for long-term leaves of absence for employees in order to attract and retain faculty and staff who will continue to grow professionally, maintain their health and have a feeling of job security. While on a leave of absence allowed by this policy, employees may not accept employment with another school district or with any employer if the nature of their work with the new employer is similar in nature to their work with the district at the time the leave was approved.
Board Policy GCBDB outlines long-term leaves of absence information for professional staff.
Board Policy GDBDB outlines long-term leaves of absence information for support staff.