• What is ACCESS

  • ACCESS for ELLs is an English language proficiency test that measures students’ academic English language skills.

    • Your child was identified as an ELL, which means your child can have instruction in English, in addition to taking other classes.
    • ELLs take an English language proficiency test every year. Testing helps teachers understand whether students have the language skills they need to fully participate in the classroom.
    • Your child’s teachers use ACCESS for ELLs test scores as they decide how best to teach your child.
    • Test scores also help teachers track your child’s progress in learning academic English and help schools decide what English language support services to provide. You can use test information to advocate for your child at school.
    • Talk with teachers about ACCESS for ELLs testing plans at your child’s school.
    • Your child does not need to study for ACCESS for ELLs. The test is an opportunity for students to demonstrate all the ways that they understand and can communicate in English.
    • Prepare for test day by making sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats breakfast. Talk with your child’s teachers about when you will receive test scores, how your child’s school uses those scores, and how language support changes as your child builds English language skills.

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Contact Us

  • Roseann Bentley Administrative Center

    1610 E. Sunshine

    Springfield, MO   65804

    Phone: (417)523-1136

    FAX: (417)523-0043


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  • ?Questions? about ACCESS

    Click on LET'S TALK  

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    When will my child take ACCESS for ELLs? When will I receive my child’s ACCESS for ELLs test scores?

    How are test scores used to help my child make progress in learning academic English?

    How do you decide when my child stops receiving language support?
