Wilder Elementary School

The Wilder Community will provide a supportive learning environment where ALL students succeed.


  • Pershing has invited all 5th-grade families to a scheduling night at Pershing! Below is a flyer from Pershing with more information on this night.

    Click here for more info.
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  • attendanceYour student's attendance matters. Being at school on time consistently is important to your students success at school! Reach out if you need support getting your students to school on time daily. We will be having special surprise attendance days each month!

    Wilder's Current attendance is 94.26%. Our Goal 95% and above!

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  • AMI Days Information

    As a reminder, AMI days start on our 4th day out of school. Here is a link to the AMI webpage on the SPS website. You can find a virtual copy of your students' packet on this page. While your student cannot edit the packet, you can print and and still complete the work if your student is missing their packet.

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