About Our School
Wilder Elementary School strives to provide a learning environment which is engaging, relevant and personal for every child. Wilder’s caring staff uses innovative learning strategies which are committed to meeting all student’s needs. At Wilder, there is a steep tradition of supporting students, which is rooted in not only academic excellence, but providing an environment in which ALL students succeed.
Wilder and its Partners in Education have built a strong working relationship. Wilder also partners with the YMCA to offer before- and after-school programs for all students.
Wilder’s average daily attendance consistently exceeds the district’s target of 95 percent.
Wilder’s innovative staff focus their professional learning activities around the Springfield Public School Learning Model in which all staff strive to make decisions based on what is best for each child. Wilder staff work extremely hard to create learning environments which are engaging, relevant and personal for every child.
Wilder values feedback from all stakeholders including students, parents, families and community member.
The mission of the Wilder Community is to provide a supportive learning environment where ALL students succeed.
Wilder Elementary School provides a culture that is safe and inviting to all. Students and staff are encouraged to have a growth mindset and utilize tools that fosters academic success. Wilder supports positive social interactions with respect for the rights of others. We will create a positive environment where ALL students succeed