Wilder Elementary School

The Wilder Community will provide a supportive learning environment where ALL students succeed.

Upcoming Events


  • PTAIt's time to join the PTA again! So let's have a little class competition! 

    The 3 classes with the MOST sign-ups by 9/21/24 will win a prize for their class and their teacher will win an Amazon gift card! (If you have already joined, you will be counted in the competition.) 

    1st- Popcorn Party & $50 Gift Card
    2nd- Gaga Pit for 30 minutes & $25 Gift Card
    3rd- 15 minute recess & $10 Gift Card

    Individual Memberships = 1 entry
    Family Memberships = 2 entries
    Business Sponsors = 5 entries

    Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/Wilder2024Info

    The deadline is September 21, so don't delay!

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