PTA Information


    Welcome to the Wilder PTA Webpage! 

    Want to get involved?  Click here for more information.PTA Enrollment

    Click below for the Wilder PTA Newsletter, The Wilder SidePTA Newsletter

    "Like" and "follow" us on Facebook : Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary PTA
  • Welcome to Wilder Parent Teacher Association!

    We are glad you are here and hope you will be actively involved in our school.

    Our mission is to create the best possible school environment so our children can learn and grow.

    We make this happen through:

    Volunteers: We encourage all families to get involved. You are always needed and wanted at Wilder. We want all families to volunteer, whether it be in your child’s classroom or one of our committees. The more parents we can involve, the better our school becomes for our children.

    Resources: We raise money in various ways to provide tools and services that are not covered by the school. For example, in the past, the PTA has provided technology resources (including the television screens in the hallways and an upgraded announcement system) as well as garden boxes to give our children hands on experiences.

    Each year, the Wilder PTA provides classroom funds for each teacher to buy new supplies to enhance the educational experiences in their room, money to cover field trips in every grade as well as student activities such as Book Fair, Cultural Arts Day and Chat ‘n Chew. We also host events for families, like Wilder Fun Nights, All-Pro Dads and Open House.

    We also provide non-financial resources through making community connections and building relationships that benefit our students.

    Support: As the PTA, we are key in coordinating efforts between our children, teachers, staff and each other. We are a true community and you are an important part of it.

    The work of the Wilder PTA benefits every child in our school. When you join the PTA, you are part of that work.

    We are glad you are here, and we look forward to partnering with you.