Sherwood Elementary School

Problem Solver-Respect-Integrity-Dependable-Effort

Upcoming Events


  • Each Tooth Truck patient receives an exam and all treatment for a cavity-free smile at NO COST to the patient’s Family. 

    The Tooth Truck is perfect for Families with no dental insurance and/or those who do not have a Dentist that they see regularly.  Tooth Truck forms have gone home with students.  Please feel out and return this form for services.  If your child did not come home with a form you may print them out below or request one from the school nurse at 417-523-3830. 

    We cannot schedule a date with the Tooth Truck until we get 10 forms… So please get your forms in as soon as you can.  We will announce the date as soon as we are able to schedule. 

    English Form

    Spanish FormThe Tooth Truck

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  • Every Minute Counts

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