• English Language Development

    English Language Development (ELD) instruction is designed specifically to advance English learners' (ELs) knowledge and use of English in the academic settings.  ELD instruction is designed to help our students who are culturally and linguistically diverse learn and acquire English to a level of proficiency that maximizes their capacity to engage successfully in academic studies taught in English.

  • English Language Development Specialist

    An English Language Development (ELD) Specialist is a teacher who is certified to address the linguistic needs of English learners (ELs) and supports language development through instruction and collaboration, which informs, guides and supports best practices for the academic achievement of English learner students.


Contact Us

  • Roseann Bentley Administrative Center

    1610 E. Sunshine

    Springfield, MO   65804

    Phone: (417)523-1136

    FAX: (417)523-0043







Follow ELD on Social Media

  • https://twitter.com/AthleticsAtSPSFacebook icon    
