Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is a student classified as ELL?

    When a student registers for school at Springfield Public Schools, parents/guardians are asked to complete language questions on the online application.  If the questions indicate a language other than English is spoken or understood by the student, the student is screened to determine if additional English language support is needed in order to help ensure academic success in an English-speaking school environment.  If the student qualifies for services, he or she is identified as an English Language Learner (ELL).    

    My child was tested. Why?

    On the online application, if a second language is indicated as being spoken or used by the student, state and federal law mandate that the student be given a test of English proficiency.  This screening determines the student's eligibility to receive English language support services.

    Is parent permission required for language proficiency testing?

    Parent permission for initial language proficiency screening and/or annual testing is not required.  However, parents always have the right to opt students out of particular "methods of service delivery" and/or Title III supplemental support services at any time.  Please feel free to contact the ELL Department at any time with questions or concerns.