Frequently Asked Questions
What is the proposed change for Campbell Elementary School?
The school district is recommending the consolidation of Campbell Elementary School with McGregor Elementary School, beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, and repurposing Campbell to use it as an early childhood learning center. A pilot program to provide early childhood transportation would also be provided.
Would all students who currently attend Campbell Elementary move to McGregor?
A slight adjustment to the current Campbell east attendance boundary, where Boonville Street is the eastern boundary, would result in a small number of students being reassigned to Rountree Elementary.
Why is the school board considering consolidating Campbell Elementary School with McGregor Elementary School?
Over the past 10 years, elementary school enrollment has increased about 9 percent across the district. During the same time period, enrollment at Campbell has decreased by 29 percent and enrollment at McGregor has decreased by 16 percent. Current projections also indicate that enrollment at both Campbell and McGregor will continue to decline over the next three years. In addition to declining enrollment, McGregor’s building condition and suitability were scored higher during a facility evaluation in 2016. As a one-level structure, McGregor also achieves ADA compliance. With Campbell’s close proximity to McGregor, the option of consolidating these schools is a solution that would benefit both students and teachers.
What opportunity will there be for parents and community members to provide input about the proposed change?
The school district welcomes parent and community input regarding the proposal. Pending Board approval, a public hearing will be scheduled for March 8 at 6 p.m at Kraft Administrative Center, 1359 E. St. Louis, at which time individuals may share their feedback.
What is the timeline for this process?
Feb. 6: Initial recommendation made to Board of Education to consolidate Campbell and McGregor elementary schools
Feb. 20: Administration will ask the Board of Education to approve holding a public hearing to collect community input on the proposal to consolidate Campbell and McGregor.
March 8: Public hearing will begin at 6 p.m., Kraft Administration Center, 1359 E. St. Louis St. (pending Board approval)
As early as March 20: Board of Education to vote on proposal to consolidate
What will happen to the current teachers and staff who work at Campbell?
We value and appreciate the dedicated service of all the employees at Campbell Elementary School. They have been assured that this consolidation and repurposing will not have an impact on their job status.
When will students be affected by the change?
If the school board approves the consolidation, Campbell students would begin attending McGregor at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year. The expansion of the early childhood learning center would also take effect in 2018-2019, with a pilot transportation program.
May I choose to send my child to a school other than McGregor?
Springfield Public Schools offers open enrollment, which allows parents flexibility to choose the school that best meets their child’s needs. Parents who do choose to transfer their child to a school other than the one assigned to them are responsible for providing transportation to and from school. If you are interested in transferring to a school other than McGregor, please talk to your principal who can help you with that process.
Are any other schools being considered for consolidation or repurposing?
Not for the 2018-2019 school year. As part of the Facility Master Plan, studies will continue regarding the future use of some other buildings, which could be repurposed as part of a comprehensive effort to create more early childhood education centers throughout the district to better serve families.
What will happen to the Campbell building?
At this time, our goal is to repurpose the building to provide expanded services for early childhood education services. The building will serve as an Interim Early Childhood Center for up to 200 pre-K students effective 2018-2019. This is part of an exciting plan to expand pre-K programming in the district, with anticipated funding from the foundation formula.The repurposed facility would also serve as a Parents as Teachers hub for the district.
What are the benefits of Campbell students and staff moving to McGregor?
This plan has many benefits for both students and teachers:
- McGregor will provide a quality learning environment that offers flexibility and additional space to meet the individual needs of students.
- Teachers will have grade-level peers for collaboration, creating better opportunities for professional growth to positively impact student learning.
- Boys and Girls Club has applied for a grant that would open before-school services for students at McGregor, which would provide expanded student-support services for our current Campbell students, beginning as early as next year.
- Specialty teachers who currently split their time between McGregor and Campbell will be able to spend more time in one location, improving consistency of instruction for students.
- Both students and teachers will benefit from the improved McGregor facility, which has an FMP score of 77, compared to Campbell’s score of 64.
What is the cost associated with this proposal?
Any cost to make the transition would be minimal and, in fact, could create operational efficiencies that would save taxpayers money. One of those efficiencies is better use of space. Among elementary schools similar in size to Campbell and McGregor, the average square feet per learner is 127.98. Currently McGregor uses 190.85 square feet per learner while Campbell uses 186.34. Once combined, the square feet per learner is estimated to be 146.68 at McGregor.
How will this consolidation affect transportation for students who currently go to Campbell?
There would be zero impact to transportation. Current regular education students at Campbell do not receive transportation based on district guidelines and would still not be eligible for transportation to McGregor. To be eligible for bus transportation a student must live 1.5 miles or more for grades K-8 and 3.5 miles or more for grades 9-12.
Will there be any impact to support provided by community partners who currently serve Campbell students?
Our hope is the community partners who currently support Campbell students will choose to continue that support at the McGregor location which is less than a mile away from the Campbell building.
How would this consolidation affect what middle and high school current Campbell students would attend?
Currently Campbell students transition to Westport for middle school and to Central for high school. The consolidation with McGregor would result in current Campbell students transitioning to Westport for middle school and Parkview for high school. The only exception would be for those students who live in the area affected by the east attendance boundary change where Boonville Street is the eastern boundary. Those students will attend Rountree Elementary and then transition to Jarrett for middle school and Parkview for high school.