Elementary Science

  • K-5 science is taught through project based learning units integrating science, social studies, and health content. Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students work throughout a unit to investigate and respond to an engaging and meaningful question, problem, or challenge.  Students gain knowledge and skills as they research, problem solve, make decisions, use feedback, and present about their project.


    Individual science lessons and activities are taught using the 5E learning cycle.

    5 E Learning Cycle

    The 5E learning cycle allows students to develop an understanding through engagement and exploration.  These experiences allow students  to understand the concept, even define it, before a term is presented.  This gives students the opportunity to "discover" the concepts on their own and experiences to connect the terms to once they are introduced. Students can then elaborate, or apply, the new concepts to related phenomena for a deeper understanding. 


  • Smart Science



  • Kraft Administrative Center
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