Snack Vending Machines

  • After attempting two solicitations, the District has not secured a new vendor for snack vending services (this does not include beverages).  Snack vending machines will be removed from district sites at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.   Any vendors that wish to bring in outside snack vending machines, must reach out to the contracts department.  Each vendor is required to sign the District vending contract and must adhere to District guidelines.   We have strict guidelines in place that must be followed.  All snacks sold in vending machines accessible to students must follow state/federal and District wellness policies.   Commissions may be received with the snack contract.  Please reach out to the contracts department for a copy of the District snack vending contract.  

    School Stores fall under the District Wellness Policy.  Concessions must have 50% of items that fall under the wellness policy available for sale.