SPS leaders receive statewide honors

  • Three SPS leaders were recognized by the Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals (MAESP) at its annual statewide conference March 3-6. Each year, MAESP recognizes excellent principal leadership as its organization participates in the National Association of Elementary Schools (NAESP) National Distinguished Principals program. 

    Dr. Lora Hopper, principal at York Elementary School, was named a Missouri Distinguished Principal at the MAESP Distinguished Principal Banquet. She was one of 12 honorees from across the state.

    Cindy Webster, principal at Weaver Elementary School, was named Exemplary New Principal. She was selected by her colleagues and recognized as one Missouri's best principals in their first three years as a principal.

    Tom Masterson, assistant to the principal at McGregor and Sherwood elementary schools and incoming principal at Jeffries Elementary School, was named Outstanding Assistant Principal. He was selected by his colleagues and presented with the award at the conference.