
  • SchoolDude is an online work management tool that helps streamline the entire work order process from request to completion. Used to manage the Facility's Maintenance System, the site is constantly monitored during the hours of 7:00 am to 5:00 pm every day that the District offices are open.

    If you have any Facility concerns or issues that need to be addressed, please contact the site administrator or call 523-0405. 

Submitting a Work Order

  • SchoolDude is accessible 24/7 via any internet access point. To become a registered user, please contact your site administrator to find out if you qualify. When entering a work order in SchoolDude, it is very important that we have as many details as possible. Complete the location, building and area fields. If there is a room number, please make sure that is included and a contact person if applicable. Under problem type, you will see a description of what each department does. Selecting the correct icon determines the department the work order will be assigned to.

    In the event of an emergency, please contact our office at 523-0400 or ext. 36600. A work order will still need to be entered on site. 

    Emergency situations include: live leaks (water/gas), power outages, elevator, gas smell, fire, building un-securable, alarm in-operable, intercom not working, fire panel issue, freezer down, non-functional food service equipment, sinkhole, dangerous playground condition are examples of emergency situations.