Crossing Guard

  • Crossing Guard Adult crossing guards are provided at challenging school crossings to assist children crossing the street, help them develop safe crossing habits and to inform them of potential hazards. Adult crossing guards will be considered at a painted crosswalk where special traffic conditions exist that can be better handled by an adult. These conditions include complicated intersections, heavy vehicular turning movements, high vehicular approach speeds, and an extraordinarily high volume of heavy truck traffic.

    The existence of these special conditions will be determined and an adult crossing guard considered at locations that meet the following criteria:

    • At all painted crosswalks across Missouri Department of Transportation maintained routes. (A formal agreement with MoDOT is required to mark a crosswalk that commits the local government agency to provide an adult crossing guard.)
    • At any painted crosswalk where the requirements for a traffic signal as indicated above are met but due to unusual conditions, it is determined that an adult guard can provide better control of both children and vehicular traffic.
    • At any location where there are 15 or more children crossing a street with fewer than one adequate gap per minute during the crossing period.


    If a location meets the warrants for an adult crossing guard as specified, the placement of the guard may be considered provided that:

    • An adult crossing guard is more feasible and economical than either a pedestrian grade separation structure or a traffic control signal specially installed to handle the crossing.
    • Necessary funds are appropriated by City Council, Greene County Commission, or others.
    • The adult crossing guard has been properly trained.
Last Modified on May 30, 2018