Transfer Information
Individuals living within the SPS school district who wish to attend a SPS school other than the one they are assigned to based on their address, must request a transfer. Transfer request are processed in the order they are received. Students on transfer are NOT eligible for district transportation.
There are two types of transfers, transitional and immediate.
- Transitional transfers are only accepted during a specific time frame and are only available for specific grade-levels.
- Immediate transfers for the current school year are accepted any time prior to the fourth quarter. Immediate transfers for the next school year are available year-round. Immediate transfer requests may not be processed until the second week of the school year to allow the status of class size or building capacity to be determined.
Upon completion of a transfer request form, parents will receive notification the request has been received. Parents will receive a second notification the request has been approved, declined, or put on a wait list. If the request is placed on a wait list, parents will receive a third notification when the request is either approved or declined.
You will need to use your Home Access Center log in information in order to apply for a transfer. If you do not have this information, please reach out to the appropriate school site for assistance.
- Current 5th and 8th graders who are on an immediate transfer who wish to attend the middle or high school aligned with their transfer school feeder pattern will need to complete a transitional transfer request for that school. Otherwise, those students will be enrolled in the middle or high school assigned to their physical address.
- For information on how a transfer may impact your sports eligibility, please review the MSHSAA Eligibility and Transferring Schools section below.
Patrons who do not have access to a computer may use a school computer, public computer or visit the Kraft Administrative Center, 1359 E. St. Louis St., for assistance.
Questions should be directed to Jennifer Webb at 417-523-0230.
MSHSAA Eligibility and Transferring Schools
If you transfer schools, you will be ineligible for 365 days, unless your circumstances meet one of the exceptions listed in the MSHSAA Residence and Transfer Rules (By-Law 3.10). Make an appointment with the school's athletic director to review these exceptions. Several, but not all, are described below.
Exception 1: If you move with your entire family across a boundary line into your new school district, you will be eligible at your new school provided you were eligible in all other respects at your former school and provided there are no other issues with the transfer. You and your entire family must move to the new residence at the same time prior to attending classes.
Exception 2: A student may be eligible immediately at the school of his or her choice upon first being promoted from the 8th grade into the 9th grade, provided the student is eligible in all other respects.
Exception 10: Foreign Exchange Students are eligible for varsity competition for one year and only if they are seniors (semester 7 or 8), provided they are participating in an exchange program listed by CSIET. However, no member of the school's coaching staff for the sport concerned may serve as a host family, or eligibility of the student will be affected.
Always check with your school principal or athletic director before you transfer to determine whether it will affect your eligibility.
School discipline follows a student to a new school. Being expelled, or being forced to withdraw, from a school also causes 365 days of ineligibility for a student.
You shall become ineligible for 365 days if you transfer to another school for athletic reasons.
Athletic Directors:
Steve Spence
Isaac Isaia
Jaci Hill
Scot Phillips
Cole Dishman
Employees Requesting to Transfer/Enroll Dependents Regardless of Residency
Eligible employees of Springfield Public Schools who wish to request to transfer/enroll their children as a student within SPS, regardless of residency, should email Tristan Dale for an application. Learn more.
Transitional Transfer Request
A transitional transfer request is for SPS eligible students going from fifth-grade to sixth-grade or eighth-grade to ninth-grade who wish to attend a site other than the one in their home residence feeder pattern. This type of transfer is part of an open enrollment process.
The form to request a transitional transfer will only be available during a specific timeframe each year. The transitional form is completed electronically and will be sent directly to the transitional transfer request school principal upon clicking submit to complete the transaction. If the transitional transfer is accepted, parents/guardians must accept or decline the transfer by clicking on the Apply Here Transitional Transfer button to log back into ConnectSPS and take the appropriate action with the request.
Important reminders for Transitional Transfer Request for the 2024-2025 School Year
- Request must be made between 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, November 1, 2023 and 4:30 p.m., Friday, December 8, 2023. (No late submissions will be accepted.)
- Once notified of a transitional transfer request approval, parents must accept or decline the transfer by logging back into ConnectSPS before 4:30 p.m., December 13, 2023, to accept or decline the transfer. If parents make multiple transfer request for multiple sites and are granted multiple approvals, parents must make a decision about which transfer they will accept by logging back into ConnectSPS and accepting the school of choice by this date.
- At this time, Cherokee Middle School and Kickapoo High School are not accepting transfers due to current and projected enrollment numbers.
Immediate Transfer Request
Parents requesting a transfer for the current year or for the beginning of the next school year should click on the Apply Here button on the left to begin the transfer process. Immediate transfer requests for the current school year will not be accepted during the fourth quarter. Immediate transfers for the next school year can be submitted at any time. If you experience trouble opening the transfer form, switching browsers may help (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.).
Please Note: Due to current and projected high enrollment, Cherokee Middle School and Kickapoo High School are closed to transfers.
Parents should enroll their child in their home school until the transfer request is accepted. When requesting an immediate transfer for a SPS eligible child who does not currently attend a SPS school, put six zeros (000000) into the student number location when completing the transfer form and click either "not yet school age" or "non-SPS student" under the Current Building section.
Parents must keep a copy of all confirmation emails for their records and notify the school you are requesting a transfer to if your contact information changes at any point during the transfer request process.