As of Jan. 10, there have been 2 inclement weather days. Jan. 10 will be AMI Day 1 for pre-Kindergarten students only.
AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction)
New for 2024-2025
In response to new state legislation, Springfield Public Schools will utilize an Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) plan on days that school is canceled due to inclement weather or any other emergency this year. Utilizing AMI will allow student learning to continue from home and reduce the number of make-up days required. AMI instructional days count toward your student’s classwork and attendance.
We want to ensure every student is set up for success, so please be aware of the following:
- AMI packets will be sent home with students the week of Dec. 16, 2024. The packet includes resources for learning up to five AMI days.
- Please store the materials somewhere in your home so they will be readily accessible when they are needed.
- During AMI days, teachers will communicate expectations to parents through Remind, SeeSaw and email.
- During AMI days, students will complete the appropriate day's assignment and turn it in to their teacher the next day that school is in session.
- Students are required to complete the assigned work and return it to their teacher the next day, or they will be counted absent for the AMI day.
- Students will keep the remainder of the packet at home for future AMI days.
- During AMI days, the delivery of special education and related services will be provided in accordance to the student's IEP outlined on Form G: Distance Learning Plan.
How AMI Days Are Calculated
Pre-K Students
AMI for all Pre-K students will begin on the second inclement weather day of the year.
Inclement Weather Days
AMI Assignments
AMI Day 1
AMI Day 2
AMI Day 3
AMI Day 4
AMI Day 5
K-12 Students
AMI for all K-12 students enrolled in Springfield Public Schools, including Launch Virtual Learning, will begin on the fourth inclement weather day of the year.
Inclement Weather Days
AMI Assignments
AMI Day 1
AMI Day 2
AMI Day 3
AMI Day 4
AMI Day 5
AMI Packets by Grade Level
These packets include resources for learning on AMI days.