Lesson Topics
Please call or email Christi Mackey, Registered Dietitian, for more information regarding Nutrition Education options for your class. 523-1113; cmackey@spsmail.org
Pre-K: Basics of Healthy Eating (30 minutes)
- Students will learn the names of the food groups in MyPlate and will state reasons why we need food. Students will name at least one food in each food group.
- Students will review MyPlate, look at food models and pictures, and play a Food Group learning game.
Kindergarten: Basics of Healthy Eating (30 minutes)
- Students will name the food groups in MyPlate and will state reasons why we need food. Students will name at least one food in each food group.
- Students will review MyPlate, look at food models and pictures, and do a craft activity. Students will learn why exercise is so important for a healthy body.
Pre-K and Kindergarten: Where Does Food Come From? (30 minutes)
- Students will state where food comes from (plants & animals), where plants grow, and will learn the difference between a fruit and a vegetable. They will also learn the safe food journey from the farm to the plate.
- Students will look at food models of fruits and vegetables, pictures of gardens and farms, and sing a Fruit & Vegetable song.
1st and 2nd Grade: Basics of Healthy Eating (35-40 minutes)
- Students will identify the food groups and foods in each group in MyPlate, identify foods that are appropriate for growth and development, and will discuss food items that use all the food groups. Students will also state why exercise is so important for a healthy body.
- Students will review MyPlate, name foods in each group, and play a Food Group Hot Potato Game.
3rd Grade: We Need Variety! (40-45 minutes)
- Students will identify foods in all 5 food groups in MyPlate, learn the word 'variety' as it applies to healthy eating. Students will also state why exercise is so important for a healthy body.
- Students will do a craft activity utilizing MyPlate. Students will practice creating meals with variety using food models.
4th and 5th Grade: Keep Your Heart Healthy! (45 minutes)
- Students will learn how what they eat can affect the health of their body, specifically the heart. Students will learn how the heart works and what Heart Disease is. Students will learn about fat, and the effect it has on their health. If time allows, students will learn the basics of reading a Nutrition Facts label.
- Students will do an activity involving their pulse. Students will look at fat tubules and other activities to learn about fat, heart health, and label reading.
Jr. High Nutrition: 6th, 7th, 8th grades- Focus on Fats and Healthy Eating (45-60 minutes):
- Students will review the food groups in MyPlate. Student will learn how to eat a healthy and balanced meal plan, why it's important to eat healthy, and portion control. Students will learn the balance between activity and healthy eating. Students will learn about the different fats.
- Students will play nutrition games, and look at fat tubules and food posters to learn about the different fats and healthier fast food options. Students will use food models to play a Plate Relay game to make a healthy plate. If time allows students will do an activity to look at the sugar content in soda and other beverages.
Additional Nutrition Lessons: (Note: These lessons may not meet specific grade-level MIGS, but will teach about the importance of making healthy choices; they may be modified to fit most grade levels.)
Go, Slow, Whoa Foods (35-40 minutes)
- Students will learn which foods to eat more of, and which to eat less of based on a stop-light approach: Go-Green--foods to eat almost anytime; Slow-Yellow--Foods to eat sometimes; Whoa-Red--Foods to eat once in a while. Students will also state why exercise is so important for a healthy body.
- Students will discuss the nutrient content of foods to determine which category they belong; Go, Slow, or Whoa. Students will play a Go-Slow-Whoa Game that also incorporates activity.
Edible Plant Parts (40-45 minutes)
- Students will name the edible parts of a plant, name examples of each part of a plant, and will display the basic skills of planting and growing a plant.
- Students will discuss the parts of a plant (roots, stem, etc.) and will plant their own seed to take home. Note: growing the plant takes about 4 weeks to complete.
Fill Up with Fiber (35-40 minutes)
- Students will state what they already know about fiber. Students will learn what fiber is, its benefits to a healthy body, and how to incorporate fiber into a meal plan. Students will review the food groups in MyPlate and learn which groups contain the most fiber. Students will learn the different types of fiber and their benefits of each.
- Students will do an activity to show what their favorite fiber foods are. Students will do a label activity using, labels (older kids), food models, and pictures to determine which food has the most fiber.
Calcium and Our Bones (30-35 minutes)
- Students will state what calcium is, why it is important for bones, and what the function of calcium is in our bodies. Students will name various foods that contain calcium, how much we need each day, and be introduced to the important role vitamin D has in calcium absorption. Students will discuss where Dairy and calcium-rich food sources fit on MyPlate.
- Students will do activities based on their age/grade level to learn the importance of calcium, sources of calcium and vitamin D, and how to apply their knowledge with the MyPlate model.
Learn Fruits & Vegetables the Color Way (35-40 minutes)
- Students will name one fruit or vegetable in each of the five color groups: Red, Yellow/Orange, White, Green, Blue/Purple. Students will learn the nutritional benefits of all the different color groups as well as where fruits and vegetables fit on MyPlate. Portion sizes of fruits and vegetables will be reviewed and in older children, phytochemicals will be discussed.
- Students will do activities based on their age/grade level to learn the fruits and vegetables the color way and the benefits of the colorful fruits and vegetables.
Incorporate Nutrition into your Classroom
In order to encourage nutrition awareness for our students, the websites below are for national organizations and agencies that provide free downloadable or low-cost materials to order. There are also ideas for learning about nutrition while studying other subject areas.
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
Eat Smart Play Hard--USDA --Lesson Plans
National Dairy Council- Nutrition Explorations
Prairie Farms for Teachers click on Teacher Zone
BAM! Body and Mind from the Center for Disease Control
Healthy Start for children in Pre-K and Kindergarten
Blueberry Council click on Kids & Teachers
Empowering Youth--USDA --Middle & High school
Materials to Order
Team Nutrition
Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity. Learn more here.