Public Comments at Board Meetings
The Board of Education welcomes comments about the issues being discussed. The Board uses the comment period of the meeting to listen to the public, but will not comment or engage with the public during the meeting.
The Board allows for up to 10 speakers per public comment period. Individuals interested in providing public comment can register beginning at 8 a.m. on the Monday prior to the meeting. Registration closes at 12 p.m. on the day of the meeting or when the first 10 individuals have registered either by completing the online request form or by calling the Board Secretary at 417-523-0026. If the District is closed due to a holiday, inclement weather, etc., registration will only be available by completing the online request form. Dates the district is closed can be found at
The Board Chair will call on individuals in the order in which they signed up; substitutions are not permitted. Each speaker will be limited to three (3) minutes and will be timed by the Board Secretary.
Comments must be acceptable for a business and family-friendly environment. Inappropriate language, gestures or personal attacks will not be tolerated. It is inappropriate to address the Board about individual students or individual staff members by name in open meeting. If you have concerns about individuals, these concerns should be addressed through the appropriate administrative supervisors, either in the schools or in the District office.
If you have materials that you want to share, please put them in the tray at the podium when you are called to speak.
Please note: The Board of Education meets in a conference room at Kraft Administrative Center, 1359 E. St. Louis St. At 5 p.m., attendees may enter the conference room from exterior door #2 accessible from the deck located near the main entrance to the building.