Bus Safety
Authority and control of student groups transported in school buses is vested in the licensed driver. He/she is an appointed member of the school staff and has the same authority and responsibility for the safety and conduct of the students on the bus as the classroom teacher. The driver is responsible to the school administration for seeing that the transportation rules and regulations are enforced. Regulations covering public school transportation have been carefully worked out by the State of Missouri and constitute the basis for safe and efficient transportation for public school students. Safety comes first in student transportation.
Transportation Rules and Regulations
- The driver is in charge of the students and the bus. Students must obey the driver promptly.
- Students must be on time. The bus cannot wait beyond its regular schedule for those who are tardy.
- Students should never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus. Loading points will be designated by the school in terms of safety and efficiency.
- Classroom conduct is to be observed by students while riding the bus. An attitude of cooperation and consideration for other students, the driver, and community members observing students on the bus is expected.
- Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- The use of tobacco on the school bus or at the bus stop is forbidden.
- Students are expected to do their part in keeping the bus neat and clean. The consumption of food or soda on the bus is not allowed.
- Students must not at any time extend arms, head, or objects out of the bus windows. Spitting out the bus window is prohibited.
- Safety Regulations demand that students observe directions of the driver when boarding and leaving the bus. When unloading, students need to cross the roadway in front of the bus at the signal of the driver (thumbs up).
- Any damage to bus by students must be paid for by the student or his or her parents.
- The driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stop near the home, or at school, unless by proper authorization in writing, from parent and principal of the school.
- All school discipline policies apply while students are riding the school bus.
Bus Rules
- Watch for the "Thumbs up for Safety" sign from their driver before crossing the road in front of the bus.
- Remain in your seats at all times as assigned.
- Keep hands and objects to yourself, and inside the bus.
- Use classroom voices and language.
- NO use of gum, food, drink, candy, or tobacco.
- NO pets, glass, flammables, or other dangerous objects.
- NO skateboards, baseball bats, sport balls of any kind.
- Do NOT distract or cause distraction of driver.
- Music instrument and backpack must be in lap or under seat.
- Follow instructions of the driver/assistant.