• Welcome to Adah Fulbright Early Childhood Center.  Over 200 PreK students and Early Childhood Special Education students start their educational journey here. 

    School hours start from 8:10 AM to dismissal at 3:10 PM.  

    Students are welcome in the building at 7:40 AM.  At 7:55 AM, early students, carline and walk-ups are welcome to enter the classrooms and have breakfast.   Fulbright is a breakfast in the classroom building site.  Breakfast is free to all students. School dismissal is at 3:10 PM.  Adults picking up students must have a photo ID (state license) or the gold paper car tag issued by the office.  If you have lost or don't have the car tag, you will be asked to go to the office.

Resource Officer Hakman
P for P.R.I.D.E