The District maintains a nonpublic forum and, except as set forth in Board Policy KI, advertisement on District property is prohibited. Advertisement includes, in part, in-person solicitation, signage, verbal announcement, pamphlets, handouts, distribution through district technology, other distribution regarding products or services available or for sale, or solicitation of information, including, in part, political campaigning. Only curriculum-related, district-sponsored and district-affiliated group advertisements may be distributed directly to students. Guidelines for distribution of non-school materials and advertisements are set forth herein.
Approval Guidelines
The SPS Communications Department will evaluate the educational value of the materials or advertisements, the age or maturity of students in the intended audience, and whether the materials or advertisements support the mission and vision of the district. SPS reserves the right to deny requests that contain unacceptable content, are seen as a conflict of interest or are in conflict with the district’s mission and values.
Flyers from community organizations that will be approved, provided the criteria and conditions set forth in these guidelines, include:
Information from non-school sponsored youth sports and recreation activities offered in our community.
Information from municipal, government agencies in our community that are not political in nature and that address student safety, welfare, and wellbeing.
Community organizations providing educational or enrichment services that address student safety, welfare, and wellbeing.
Note: Information/advertisement approved for distribution must be limited specifically to the service/product/program being provided for school age students and families and should not promote or oppose specific viewpoints.
Per Board Policy KI, the district may control the content of advertising as allowed by law. Minimally, advertisement on district property or at district events may not include information or materials that:
Are obscene to minors.
Are libelous.
Are pervasively indecent or vulgar (secondary schools) or contain any indecent or vulgar language (elementary schools).
Advertise any product or service not permitted to minors by law.
Constitute insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses other people (e.g., threats of violence, defamation of character or of a person's race, religion or ethnic origin).
Present a clear and present likelihood that, either because of their content or their manner of distribution, they will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities or will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school procedures.
To request approval for a flyer, please email jbblake@spsmail.org for review. Your flyer will be reviewed and the material approved or denied based on the standards below. Paper flyers from outside organizations will not be distributed to students.
SPS requires the following for all flyers that are placed at community tables or on bulletin boards in SPS schools:
Each flyer must include this disclaimer: “The information in this flyer does not constitute the District’s endorsement of the activity, organization, organization’s mission, organization’s message or any opinion expressed by the organization, its members or persons who attend the activity.”
The flyer must also include cost information. Organizations submitting information concerning activities with associated fees will be required to offer reduced costs or scholarship options.
Once approved, sites will be notified that the material may be shared on the community table and/or bulletin board. Organizations are responsible for duplicating and delivering items to the site. These materials may be placed on the community table at the site for self-selection.
If distribution of non-school material is requested for a select school(s), direct approval from the site(s) principal where distribution is requested is required. Approval for anything less than districtwide is a site-based decision, as the principal is the best source of knowledge for events or services of interest to their school community. Flyers must include the required disclaimer and cost information as stated above. Organizations are responsible for duplicating and delivering items to the site. These materials may be placed on the community table at the site for self-selection.