Field Elementary student, Bennett Potter, selected as Outstanding Youth Philanthropist for 2023
Dec. 6, 2023
The Association of Fundraising Professionals Ozarks Region highlights the work of a Youth Philanthropist of the Year under the age of 18 who has already been successful in volunteer community work.
Field Elementary fourth grader, Bennett Potter, was selected as the Outstanding Youth Philanthropist for 2023. The AFP celebrated National Philanthropy Day to celebrate those who made a significant difference in our community.
Bennett’s nomination said, “Bennett is a giver. His heart for others is inspiring. He has used his birthday to raise not only awareness, but also dollars for area non-profits. Countless community organizations have benefited from his generous heart with Amazon Smile fundraisers and birthday parties that collect items for community causes. Bennett also gives time – bringing an extra element of fun to whatever he is a part of. Lost & Found Grief Center had a blast watching him assist with the Smile Cloud at the Center’s Run and Remember event. He helped send foam hearts and butterflies into the sky as a way for attendees to honor loved ones who have died. Amazing work, Bennett!”
In Bennett’s thank you speech, he thanked his parents and said that he likes to help the community, and also in honor of one of his friends “whose mom died from cancer and has gotten help” from the Lost & Found Grief Center.