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SPS Community Task Force continues review of facility needs

Aug. 31, 2022

For the past two months, the Community Task Force on Facilities has been meeting to evaluate the current condition of SPS school buildings, prioritize the need for improvements, and recommend next steps. This week, the task force reached the midway point of its work.

In June, the Board of Education charged the group with determining what facility improvement projects need to be completed to ensure all SPS students have access to safe and quality learning environments.

Since its first meeting in July, task force members have met five times to review and study data and tour district schools. The group has reviewed demographic and enrollment data, economic and growth trends, funding structures and the district’s facilities master plan.

“We are pleased with the progress we have made so far. It was a steep learning curve to start but we have had some very informative presentations and thoughtful conversations about the data,” said David Hall, co-chair.

The group has also visited 12 schools, including Bingham, Bissett, Bowerman, Delaware, Pershing, Robberson and Rountree elementary schools; Pipkin and Reed middle schools; the new Jarrett Middle School, which is still under construction; and Glendale and Hillcrest high schools.

“These tours have been great opportunities for the entire group to see first-hand the pressing needs in some of our schools,” said Bridget Dierks, co-chair. “They have also provided inspiration for how we might improve facilities to ensure all students in the district have quality learning environments.”

Meeting agendas and minutes, along with some of the data reviewed by the task force, may be viewed here.

Future meetings, which are open to the public, are scheduled for Sept. 13, Sept. 20, Oct. 4 and Oct. 18 (if needed).

Later this fall, the task force will present to SPS board members and administrators its recommendations for high priority projects that are needed to ensure students have quality learning environments.

The task force includes community members, parents, staff and students who represent schools from all SPS feeder patterns. View the complete list of members here