• Market on The Hill - The Hillcrest High School Counseling Center opened a food pantry in March of 2012 to service students that may need additional nutritional support from time to time. We offer services on a bi-monthly, monthly, and one-time basis. Students may qualify for assistance if they are a Hillcrest student, qualify for free or reduced lunch, and/or have an emergency situation occur. We are here to service our students and their support systems. We want families to have nutrition available in order to increase everyone's overall health. Students that are interested will need to fill out an application. Applications can be found here, please complete and return to Mrs. Long in room E205 or the front office. Students/families will need to place their order on the Google Form found on the Hornet Hub and/or Counseling Commons Canvas pages. Orders will need to be submitted by Wednesday and will be ready for pick up on Friday. Our mission is to reduce the variable hunger in a student's life, so they may have a more productive educational day.    

  • Hillcrest Hornets Fund - The mission of the Hornet Fund is to provide monetary support to students, faculty, staff, groups & departments as well as funds for campus improvements that are not available through district or school budgets.


    • Student must be a full-time student at HHS and maintain good citizenship and show interest in expanding his/her education and/or career direction.
    • Faculty or staff must be full-time employed at HHS.
    • School club, department or organization must be active having a sponsor and members.
    • Campus improvements must be approved by HHS administration following proper district channels and approvals.


    • To assist HHS students in areas related to the enhancement of their academic goals and desired experiences, including fees for required exams, internships, or trips.
    • To assist HHS students with costs related to program participation in sports, music, arts, social studies, foreign language, science, family and consumer science, and communication arts, including fees and equipment required to participate;
      • Students must provide a teacher/coach/sponsor recommendation for assistance and demonstrate commitment to the program. 
      • Application for assistance may cover needs to attend summer camps, clinics, trips or special events related to one's field of study or enhancement of one's talent or skills.
    • To provide scholarships to graduating seniors.
    • To provide assistance with obtaining equipment, supplies or classroom resources for teachers.
    • To provide funds for upgrades and improvements on HHS campus.
    • To provide funds for special student circumstances such as bus passes, school supplies or other situations as submitted by HHS administration.


    • Applications are available from the school office and/or counseling center, or can be found here. 
    • Applications may be submitted by faculty, staff or students.
    • Applications will be reviewed by the Hillcrest Hornets Fund Advisory Board. Allocations will be granted according to funds available and approval of the HHFAB. Partial grants may also be made.
    • The HHS Foundation Advisory Board will meet periodically to review applications and will consist of HHS administration, faculty, staff, and alumni.

    Click here to find out how you can help support current and future Hornets to further their educational experiences by supporting camps, clinics, trips and other needs!