Sunshine PTA

PTA Information

  • The Sunshine Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is made up of parents, grandparents, teachers, school personnel, community members, businesses, neighbors, and friends of Sunshine Elementary School. We build strong working relationships among parents, teachers, and schools in support of students. In addition, the PTA hosts programs and events for our families, and raises money to support the specific needs of Sunshine Elementary. Get involved, meet other parents, and BEE in the know!

    By joining the PTA, you are advocating on behalf of all children, including your own. No additional commitment is required. But if it is possible, volunteer or donate! There are many volunteer opportunities available this year, and we need your help to make this year a success!

    We hope you will join us in doing good for our school and our students!

    How to Join: 

    Please complete the membership form and turn it in to the PTA with your chosen form of payment.

    Membership Form

    Individual Annual Dues

    $5 PTA membership per person

    $10 PTA Membership Dues and Donation to PTA

    Business/Organization/Sponsorship Information

    $25 Annual Business Membership and sponsorship of 2 PTA activities

    $50 Annual Business Membership and sponsorship of 4 PTA activities

    $100+ Annual Business Membership and sponsorship of ALL PTA activities during the school year

    Checks can be made payable to: Sunshine PTA



    For any questions, please ask the Membership Committee Chair or PTA President. Contact info is located on the membership form.