• Holland Elementary participates in a Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (PBS) system approach that we call "Hawk PRIDE." This approach establishes the social culture and behavior supports needed for Holland to be a safe and effective learning environment for all students. The letters in PRIDE represent the following values and are emphasized throughout the school:

    P             Politeness

    R             Respect

    I              Integrity

    D             Discipline

    E             Effort

    Holland teachers and staff give out PRIDE stickers to students who are being polite, respectful, showing integrity, discipline or effort during the school day. When a student earns each of the letters of PRIDE, they get acknowledged during the morning announcements and earn a PRIDE button. There is a different PRIDE button each quarter.   

    Our team of teachers and staff have worked together to create a matrix of what student behavioral expectations look like, sound like and feel like in classroom areas and in all non-classroom settings (bathroom, hallway, cafeteria, etc.).