Student Council

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  • Holland Student Council exists to inspire, encourage and nurture the development of student leaders at Holland Elementary. This will be accomplished through the use of activities and exercises which are designed to provide real world experience and opportunities for growth. STUCO members are expected to exhibit Hawk P.R.I.D.E. behavior at all times.

Expectations and Responsibilities

  • Staff – Students have the responsibility of showing respect for the knowledge and the authority of school staff. Students must obey reasonable directions; use only acceptable and courteous language; and avoid actions that show contempt for school staff. 

    Themselves – Students have the responsibility to reasonably avoid any behavior that is detrimental to achieving their own or other students’ educational goals. Students must cooperate in taking reasonable care of books, other instructional materials, technology, and encourage a climate where learning is cherished. 

    Others – Students have the responsibility of showing respect for the rights and human dignity of fellow students. For example, students must not engage in name-calling, fighting, harassment, bullying, belittling or engaging in deliberate attempts to embarrass or harm another student.


  • STUCO members will be responsible for (1) exhibiting PRIDE behavior at all times – not just while representing STUCO, (2) assisting with the collection of recycling, (3) delivering STUCO related announcements to their class, (4) creating signs and banners for STUCO activities, (5) coming up with ideas for STUCO fundraisers & activities, (6) collecting money from STUCO fundraisers (under the supervision of an adult), (7) attending and helping out with STUCO sponsored activities (as often as possible).

Nomination Process and Procedures

  • Students who wish to participate in STUCO must obtain a Permission Form and contract from the school counselor. From there it is the student’s responsibility to make sure that it is filled out correctly and turned in on time. The Permission Form is considered complete when it contains the student’s name, grade and the signatures of at least two teachers as well as the signature of the student’s parent or guardian. The student seeing a position on Holland Student Council must also turn in the Citizenship Contract which must be signed by both the student and parent verifying that they have read the contract and agree to the terms. Students who do not turn in both the completed Permission form and the signed Citizenship Contract will not be eligible for Holland Student Council.

    After the Permission Form and Citizenship Contract are completed and returned to the School Counselor by the deadline (to be determined by the school counselor). The School Counselor will then verify that everything is filled out correctly. After all of the Permission Forms and Citizen Contracts are collected the School Counselor will consult with Mr. Tew and the teachers to determine who might be best for each position.

    After the new Student Council Members have been selected those members will select class officers to represent both Holland and Holland Student Council.