
    Welcome to Peer Mediation!

Peer Mediation
  • What is Mediation?

    Mediation is a chance for students who find themselves in a conflict to sit face to face and talk, uninterrupted, so each side of the dispute is heard.

    After the problem is defined, solutions are created and then evaluated.  When an agreement is reached it is written and signed.

    What is a Student Mediator?

    A student mediator is one of your peers who has been trained to conduct the mediation meeting.  The student makes sure the mediation session is helpful and fair. 

    Your fellow students were selected to help you resolve differences because they might better understand your point of view.

    Why should I try Mediation?

    There are many reasons why mediation will be helpful to you.  Here are a few:

    1. Conflicts that do not get resolved often end in fights, which could result in suspension.
    2. Conflicts that do not get resolved often result in lingering resentment, often causing future conflicts or strained relationships.
    3. You will learn to choose a peaceful, responsible way to solve your own problems without an adult doing it for you.
    4. Mediation will help you develop mutual respect for your peers and clear communication.
    5. Mediation will make Central a more positive place to learn!

    How do I request a Mediation?

    It is very easy to request a mediation!  Just pick up a mediation request form from the following places:

    • Counseling Center
    • Attendance Office
    • From a Teacher

     When you’re done filling it out return it to Mrs. Gray in room 127.  Within a day you will receive notification of the time and place of the mediation. 

    Click here for the request form.