About Our School

  • York Elementary - 2100 W. Nichols Street - Springfield, Mo. 65802 - (417) 523-3000

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  • The mission of York Elementary is to prepare children today for a successful tomorrow.


  • York Elementary School, located in northwest Springfield, was constructed in 1911. It was named after William York, a disabled Civil War veteran, who circulated a petition in the fall of 1910 requesting the construction of a school in that area. Here is a timeline of the school's development.

    1911:  Original building was 8,459 sq. ft. consisting of four classrooms and one basement room.

    1923:  Annexed into Springfield Public Schools R-12 District

    1930:  Addition of 7,782 sq. ft. including five classrooms and restrooms.

    1954:  Addition of 11,061 sq. ft. consisting of four classrooms and a multipurpose room.

    1967:  Addition of 4,153 sq. ft. for two kindergarten classrooms and one regular classroom.

    1991:  Addition of a learning resource center and two classrooms.

    2019: In April 2019, Springfield voters approved Proposition S which enables Springfield Public Schools to make facility improvements to a number of schools. Due to lower than expected cost on multiple projects, an estimated $20.96 million is available to build a new York Elementary.  York was identified by the Community Task Force on Facilities as "next in line" for improvements. 

    2020: On August 18, 2020, the Board of Education approved to move forward with construction of the new York Elementary. 

    2023: On March 20, 2023 York Elementary opened its new doors for students, families, staff and the community.