Contact Us
Westport K-8
415 South Golden Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802
Phone: (417) 523-3100Fax: (417)-523-3195
K-8 Principal: Dr. JoAnn Hite
K-2, 5 Assistant Principal: Mrs. Alexandra Ross Ed. S.
3-4, 6 Assistant Principal: Dr. Brian Olivera
7-8 Assistant Principal: Mrs. Tambra Lee Ed. S.
SCHOOL HOURS: 7:20 - 2:20
The earliest arrival time will be 7:00 a.m. Students who routinely get picked up late MUST enroll in the SPARC Program. Please contact the PARK BOARD for more information at (417) 837-5737. A school official will contact parents of students who continue to arrive early or stay late and are not enrolled in SPARC.
Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. – 7:35 a.m.
All students enter through Front Doors (circle drive).
AFTER 7:50 a.m.
Everyone must "PRESS BUTTON" and be approved for entry into office from the vestibule.
One of the most important prerequisites for success in school is regular attendance. Students are EXPECTED to be in school every day and on time unless they are sick; there is a family emergency or observance of a religious holiday.PERFECT ATTENDANCE
Perfect attendance means that students arrived on time (before the bell rings), did not leave early (before 2:00 p.m.) and were in attendance each day school was in session for the given time period. Students are included on the end-of-the-year Perfect Attendance Banner based on this criteria.REPORTING ABSENCES
Students who arrive after the 7:20 tardy bell MUST report to the office before going to class, otherwise, they will be counted absent.