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Good Dads

  • A bi-monthly breakfast held before school where fathers and their children meet with other dads and kids in the school cafeteria.  At this gathering, they discuss a wide range of family topics, spend time together, have fun and are equipped with resources to strengthen their relationships.  


Voyagers Tutoring

  • An after school opportunity for eligible students to improve reading and/or math.  Learn more.


  • Open to all fifth-graders wishing to study the violin, viola, cello or bass. Classes meet every Monday and Thursday from 8:15 - 8:45 a.m. in the Library. This class is a prerequisite for middle school orchestra. Students perform with other students from all 35 Springfield elementary schools at the All City Orchestra Concert in May.

Women of Weller

  • A bi-monthly breakfast held before school where mothers and their children meet with other moms and kids in the school cafeteria.  At this gathering, they discuss a wide range of family topics, spend time together, have fun and are equipped with resources to strengthen their relationships.  

Weller P.R.I.D.E. Celebration

  • Once each week the entire school community participates in the Weller Pride Celebration.  Here, classes are recognized for their stellar attendance over the last month, students are honored for their outstanding P.R.I.D.E. behavior, and someone from the local area comes in to speak to students about the importance of learning and hard work.  All of this makes for a celebration that serves to excite students over their past success as well as motivate them to achieve in the future.