• Student IDs (High School Students) & Sporting Events for students in K through 12th grade (Click here to read full announcement)

    * Student IDs (High School Students) & Sporting Events for students in K through 12th grade - All five SPS high schools are implementing new requirements for students attending high school athletic events. These changes are due to an increase in unsupervised students attending games and the district's desire to maintain orderly conduct. We want to ensure our students represent their school and SPS in the best possible manner.


    Effective immediately, please be aware of the following:

    • All high school students must wear their school ID badges at home & away games.
    • All students, K-12, must remain in the STANDS during the game except to go to the restroom or concession stand.
    • All K-8 students must be accompanied by an adult.


    High School Students who need a new ID badge can order one with their first block teacher or go to the ID badge room before school or during their lunch period to get one at any point during the school year.