About Us

  • Hello, and welcome to Delaware Elementary School!  We are home to about 350 amazing students, and almost 80 incredible staff members!  Delaware Elementary serves students Pre-K through 5th grade, and we also serve as a special education hub school for some specialized programs.

    Our Mission Statement

    The mission of Delaware Elementary School is to provide high levels of learning to all students and staff.

     Our Creed

    There is no one quite like me,

    I am unique as you can see!

    I can grow and I can dream,

    I am a part of the Delaware Team!

    Respecting others and my tribe,

    Our Delaware halls are filled with PRIDE!

    Our Matrix

    Photo of the PRIDE Matrix used at Delaware

     Our History

    Delaware was founded as a school in 1951, where it was named after the street it was build on.

    1951   Originally 12 classrooms and a multipurpose room. 25,952 sq. ft.

    1956   First addition added 5 classrooms. 6,663 sq. ft. Playground updated to include accessible equipment.

    1992   Second addition provided learning resource center and a computer lab. 7,489 sq. ft.

    2019   Old school was demolished with funds from Proposition S

    2020  New school built with 27 classrooms that accommodate the multiple needs of our students. 68,000 sq.ft.


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