Free/Reduced Meal Info.
Free and reduced meal applications are available on the Springfield Public Schools website at under the heading PARENT. You can either apply online or stop by the office for an application. Only ONE application is required for all your students. The process usually takes approximately 2 days before an answer is received.
Nutrition services will either call or send you a letter. If your student is transferring to Williams from another Springfield Public School, then their free/reduced meal plan will follow them. If transferring from another school district then a new application needs to be submitted. Please remember A NEW APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED EACH SCHOOL YEAR. For further information please contact Nutrition Services at 417-523-1130 or 417-523-1101.
If you would like to have lunch with your child, you are welcome to do so. Please arrive at the Office at least 5-10 minutes prior to their lunch time so you can sign in. If you choose to take your child out for lunch, again, please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to their lunch time in order to sign them out, and again, sign them in upon return. Should you have any questions, please contact the Office at 417-523-2000.