• Quill and Scroll

    Sponsor: Ashley Blankinship ablankinship@spsmail.org or 523-9200

    Quill and Scroll is the activity support club for the PHS publications department. The school newspaper, The Parkviewer, and the school yearbook, The Viking Log, are the focus of this department. The number of members varies yearly with the number of students enrolled in Journalism I (beginning journalism) and the number of students enrolled in Journalism II, who assume editor and staff positions of these two publications. Quill and Scroll members who are Journalism II students produce The Parkviewer magazine and the school yearbook, The Viking Log. They write, edit, and photograph as well as digitally paginate these publications. Quill and Scroll is open to any student who is interested in journalism. Parkview’s chapter of Quill and Scroll is a part of the International Quill and Scroll Honorary Society for High School Journalists which inducts students of junior and senior status who are in the upper third of their class and who have done superior work in journalism. Club members engage in fundraising to attend workshops, to maintain updated technology in the publications classroom, and for other expenses associated with the program.