Sponsor: Sponsor: Gloria Gammel
ggammel@spsmail.org or 523-9200Description: Parkview High School has MSHSAA-governed varsity and junior varsity Academic Teams. Academic Competition is characterized as competition in which subject matter in multiple academic disciplines is used. This activity features head-to-head academic team competition between 4-person teams, with quick response answers, time limits on questions and use of electronic recognition systems by participants. The current Academic Competition disciplines are: science (physics, biology, anatomy, chemistry and earth science, mathematics (algebra, geometry, and trigonometry), social studies (United States history, world history, geography, current events, and government), literature (American, world (primarily European) and Shakespeare), fine arts/performing arts, foreign languages, language arts, and miscellaneous/vocational education.
Schedule: Practices are Monday and Wednesday after school from 3-4:30. Tournaments are multi-school competitions and are usually conducted on Saturdays from mid-October to early April. Some tournaments may also be conducted on weekday evenings. Tournaments recognize and award both top-performing teams and individuals. MSHSAA District competition is in mid-April and state competition is in early May.
Team Photo
Houston Spring Tournament, 3rd Place Finish
Maddox McClain: 4th highest quizzer of the tournament
Andrew Maxfield: 9th highest quizzer of the tournament
Greenwood Laboratory School Academic Bowl Tournament, 4th place Finish
Players: Andrew Maxfield, Sophie Stefka, Michael Barcomb, Cass Tobin, Simon Oneniyi
Andrew Maxfield: Top Five Individual Quizzer
Branson Freshman/Sophomore Scholar Bowl Tournament, 7th place Finish
History Bowl Participants