A letter from our School Social Worker, Martha Phillips:
Hi, Pirates! As a School Social Worker, I assist with bridging the gap between home, school and the community to support and advocate for struggling students and their families. I address barriers to education and provide the resources that students and their families need to achieve success both in school and throughout life. As a member of the interdisciplinary team, I provide both direct and indirect services to both students and their families. The services I provide as a school social worker include, however are not limited to:
Advocacy for students, parents/guardians, and the school community
Home visits
Provide culturally competent services
Collaboration with school staff, teachers, and administrators to provide appropriate intervention for those students having difficulty succeeding in the school setting
Provision of resource information
Safe schools climate and education
Crisis prevention/intervention
Parent involvement/education
Facilitate therapeutic services
Collaboration with community agencies and organizations
Facilitate and provide group intervention
Access to school and community resources including the Food Resource Closet (food furnished by the Ozark Food Harvest)
Please use the links on the navigation bar to the right to access specific information regarding Social Work Services. Please contact me if you have any questions: mrphillips@spsmail.org