Letter from the Principal

  • Parkview High School Families,

    I am honored to serve our community as principal of Parkview High School.  As we prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, I am committed to continuing to build and maintain a supportive and collaborative environment with high expectations for learning for all students.

    On behalf of the Parkview staff, we look forward to partnering with you to make this a great school year together.  Please stay connected via phone, text, and/or email.  All families will receive a newsletter each month with important information regarding academics, attendance, important dates and events throughout the school year.  You may also find all newsletters under quick links on our homepage. 


    Please feel free to reach out to a member of our staff for assistance as needed.


    Kind regards,


    Megan Brown


    Parkview High School

    516 W. Meadowmere St.

    Springfield, MO 65807

    (417) 523-9200


    Mrs. Brown, Principal