Teachers List

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Staff Honorific First Name Name Title Department Address Bio Phone Fax Email Photo
Tracy Joshua Tracy, Joshua 1st Grade 1st Grade Hello! My name is Joshua Tracy. I was born and raised here in Springfield, Missouri. I went to school at Ozarks Technical Community College where I graduated cum laude and received my associates degree in Elementary Education. I then attended Missouri State University where I graduated magna cum laude and received my bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education. When I’m not teaching, you can catch me spending time with family, friends, and my dog. jtracy@spsmail.org
Skinner Matthew Skinner, Matthew 2nd Grade 2nd Grade mrskinner@spsmail.org
Johnson Samantha Johnson, Samantha Kindergarten Kindergarten sdjohnson@spsmail.org
Woodward Amy Woodward, Amy 2nd Grade 2nd Grade arwoodward@spsmail.org
Henderson Jill Henderson, Jill 3rd Grade 3rd Grade jnhenderson@spsmail.org
McIntosh Emma McIntosh, Emma Kindergarten Kindergarten eamcintosh@spsmail.org
Kirchhausen Peter Kirchhausen, Peter 4th Grade 4th Grade pjkirchhausen@spsmail.org
Daugherty Emily Daugherty, Emily Kindergarten Kindergarten efdaugherty@spsmail.org
Bartley Nancy Bartley, Nancy Reading and Numeracy Interventions Title I nlbartley@spsmail.org
McCutcheon Kori McCutcheon, Kori 4th Grade 4th Grade koripmccutcheon@spsmail.org
Sutherland Timothy Sutherland, Timothy 5th Grade 5th Grade tdsutherland@spsmail.org
Strycharz Mara Strycharz, Mara 5th Grade 5th Grade mdstrycharz@spsmail.org
Cook Lori Cook, Lori 2nd Grade 2nd Grade lacook@spsmail.org
Ellison Michel Ellison, Michel 5th Grade 5th Grade maellison@spsmail.org
Haik Autumn Haik, Autumn 1st Grade 1st Grade ashaik@spsmail.org
Robertson Leslie Robertson, Leslie Instructional Technologist Specialty Teacher lrobertson@spsmail.org
Earls Lesley Earls, Lesley Library Media Specialist Specialty Teacher lsearls@spsmail.org
Kiefert Amy Kiefert, Amy Library Clerical Assistant Specialty Teacher aekiefert@spsmail.org
Smith Jessica Smith, Jessica Music Specialty Teacher jnsmith@spsmail.org
Youmans Patrick Youmans, Patrick Physical Education Specialty Teacher pjyoumans@spsmail.org
Cook Jill Cook, Jill Learning Coach Title I jecook@spsmail.org
Goodman Jill Goodman, Jill Reading Specialist Title I jdgoodman@spsmail.org
Garton Shelby Garton, Shelby 4th Grade 4th Grade srgarton@spsmail.org
Kroenke Genevieve Kroenke, Genevieve Art Specialty Teacher gakroenke@spsmail.org
Maynard Michaela Maynard, Michaela 3rd Grade 3rd Grade mcmaynard@spsmail.org
Johnson Summer Johnson, Summer 1st Grade 1st Grade sljohnson@spsmail.org
Kerr Ingrid Kerr, Ingrid 1st Grade 1st Grade iekerr@spsmail.org
Luczywo Jennifer Luczywo, Jennifer Kindergarten Kindergarten jnluczywo@spsmail.org
Fisher Amber Fisher, Amber 2nd Grade 2nd Grade afisher@spsmail.org
Bueno Isabel Bueno, Isabel 3rd Grade 3rd Grade irbueno@spsmail.org

Staff Lists