About Our School

  • McBride Elementary School

    McBride Staff

    Mrs. Gertrude McBride  (1872-1947)

    Mrs. Caroline (Carrie) Gertrude McBride was a pioneer in public education, served as a teacher, PTA founder and was the first woman elected to the Springfield Board of Education in 1921. She served as Board President from 1923-1924.

    Born in Windsor, Missouri, on January 1, 1872, she attended both Stephens College and the University of Missouri in Columbia, graduating with honors. She took post-graduate studies at the University of Chicago. Before moving to Springfield, she taught in both Maryville in Nodaway County and Hot Springs, Arkansas. At the age of 28, she married Jesse Benton McBride, a Springfield dentist. He died in 1936.

    In 1909, Mrs. McBride helped found the Boyd School Mother’s Circle to help support the school attended by her son, Benton. That organization soon became the Parent-Teachers Association, which she served as president from 1917 to 1924. She served as State President of the Missouri Congress of Mothers and as Missouri PTA president from 1914 to 1916.

    The PTA Council of Springfield recognized Mrs. McBride’s many years of work by naming Gertrude McBride Student Loan Fund in her honor. This fund is still used by neighborhood schools in Springfield to help students in need.

    Mrs. McBride was among four founding board members of the Mary E. Wilson Home. During World War II, she was acclaimed for her work as a member of the Speaker’s Bureau and for her War Bond sales. She died May 23, 1947, in Springfield. The McBrides had two children, Eleanor McBride Fuson Leedy of Idaho Falls, Idaho and J Benton McBride. Both are deceased.

     About McBride Elementary School

    In 1995, it became apparent that the rapid population growth in southwest Springfield/Greene County was causing serious overcrowding at Wanda Gray and Jeffries Elementary Schools. A bond issue was approved in 1996 which included the construction of Phase One of a new elementary school located at the corner of Weaver Road (Farm Road 178) and South Golden Road (Farm Road 135). Our beautiful school was completed on schedule and opened its doors to over 300 eager students in August 1998. 

    It was overwhelmingly decided that it would be most fitting that this new school be named for a woman who was a tireless contributor to Springfield Schools, Gertrude McBride. 

    We started out with Dr. Peggy Riggs as our first principal in August of 1998. She remained at McBride for three years. 

    The next principal at McBride was Mr. Terry Clayton. He was with McBride from August 2001 - May of 2003. 

    Dr. Bret Range was our principal from August 2003 to May 2010. 

    Mr. Robert Reed was our principal from August 2010 to May 2014. 

    Now, we're pleased to have our latest principal, Ms. Lael Streight with us. 

    Our building has changed with the addition of our new gymnasium and additional classrooms. We are one of the largest in enrollment of the elementary schools in Springfield. 

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