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Pipkin's International Storytelling and Fall Festival was a success!

Over 300 people attended the Pipkin International Storytelling and Fall Festival. International storytellers told folktales from their culture. Parents and students traveled around each continent via story tents. The festivities continued with fall crafts such as pumpkin decorating and corn husk doll making. The night was topped off with hula lessons, s'mores, and apple cider. We are so grateful to the local businesses who donated their time and products. Doc Rob's Kettle Corn was a big hit with our families. A special thank you to Rob and Lorie Harris for their kettle corn donation and Hale's Harvest for their pumpkin and mum's donations.

students with principalEntrepreneur Clubstudents with storytellerstudents at fall fest  students at fall feststudent at face paintingstudent at face paintingkettle cornhula dancingJJ creatingstudents at fall fest